Part blog, part oral history, part research project.
How has the Great Recession affected your path beyond college? What is your story?

Consent Form

Project Participation

Perspectives of Recent Graduates on the Effects of the Great Recession on their Lives after College.

I, _____________________________________________, state that I am over 18 years of age and that I voluntarily agree to participate in a research project conducted by Melissa K. McDonough, M.P.P.

This project is a hybrid: part blog, part oral history (e.g., in the manner of Studs Terkel) and part academic-style research. The basic questions being explored include:
• How has the Great Recession affected your path beyond college?
• What is your story?
• What is good, bad or different from what you had planned/expected?
The goal is to record, share and learn from the experiences of recent graduates at this unique point in history. The information collected during this phase of the project will be used on a blog as short first person narratives, edited for length and occasionally accompanied by analysis and commentary. The final product will be a document reporting findings and will also be posted to the blog. A snowball technique will be used to contact and interview recent graduates (community college, bachelor’s and graduate degrees) from as many different backgrounds as feasible. These interviews will be tape-recorded. The tape recordings will be archived and will be used to produce blog content and the final report.

By signing this consent form, I acknowledge that Melissa McDonough has explained the terms of my participation in the project to me fully. She has informed me that I can withdraw from participation at any time from the project without prejudice or penalty. She has also offered to answer any questions that I might have concerning the research procedure.

I understand that any use of the audio tapes that result from my participation in this study will be the property of the project and its author, Melissa McDonough.

I understand that I may contact Melissa McDonough, M.P.P., if I have questions about this study at any time following my participation.


Statements of Consent:

I have read the above information. If I had questions, I asked them and received answers to them. I consent to provide an interview.

Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________

Signature of Parent or Guardian (if necessary): __________________________________ Date: _______

I have read the above information. I consent to allow the interviewer to use (circle one): my real name/a pseudonym/fake name in any published reports.

Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________